A DM tool to generate Dungeons and Dice-rolls Descriptions

DnD Random Dungeons and Dice-rolls Generator

Generated Dungeon Statblock:

Click Beholder to Generate a Description

Dungeon, unaligned

Location Adventure Environment

Created by Creator of the dungeon

Purpose reason why it was build

History Background

d20 (+0) d20 (+0) d20 (+0) d20 (+0)

Air Quality Subterranean tunnels and aboveground ruins are often enclosed spaces with little airflow. Though it's rare for a dungeon to be sealed so tightly that adventurers have trouble breathing, the atmosphere is often stifling and oppressive.

Odor Odors linger in a dungeon and can be magnified by the stillness of the atmosphere.

Walls Some dungeons have walls of masonry. Others have walls of solid rock, hewn with tools to give them a rough, chiseled look, or worn smooth by the passage of water or lava. An aboveground dungeon might be made of wood or composite materials.

Features Walls are sometimes adorned with murals, frescoes, bas-reliefs, and lighting fixtures such as sconces or torch brackets. A few even have secret doors built into them.

Darkness and light Darkness is the default condition inside an underground complex or in the interior of aboveground ruins, but an inhabited dungeon might have light sources.


Challenge 0 (0 XP)

Dungeon Purpose Except in the case of a natural cavern, a dungeon is crafted and inhabited for a specific purpose that influences its design and features.

Dungeon Features The atmosphere and physical characteristics of dungeons vary as widely as their origins. An old crypt might have stone walls and loose wooden doors, an odor of decay, and no light other than what adventurers bring with them. A volcanic lair might have smooth stone walls hollowed out by past eruptions, doors of magically reinforced brass, a smell of sulfur, and light provided by jets of flame in every hall and room.

Dungeon Doors Dungeon doorways might be set within plain arches and lintels. They might be festooned with carvings of gargoyles or leering faces or engraved with sigils that reveal clues as to what lies beyond.


Vision: The average perception.

Locks: difficulty of locks.

Secrets: amount of possible secrets

Hazards: hazard difficulties.

Mood: Atmosphere.

— 👁️💭 Drystan Furor, Dungeon Master

Generated Dungeon Exploration:

A Exploration Montage

a Dungeon Exploration starts

the party discovers things

the exploration goes on

How to: create a Dungeon and Dice-rolls Description?

You can click on the NPC Generator Image icon of a beholder to have it dream up a Dungeon and Dice-rolls Description, the dungeon is written as a statblock, the exploration description is text.

Each time you click the beholder it will generate a new dungeon statblock and a new text as result.

How to: customize prompt?

The dungeon was created by a Beholder and unmapped , you cannot customize this prompt. The dungeon is full of surprises.

If you wish more control, consult the DMG. p. 290 - 301. This generator uses the DMG tables, and for flair, produces detailed results with random seeds.