A DM tool to generate an NPC

Generator optional parameters

Race Selection or Homebrew


DnD Random Character Generator

Generated Npc:

Click Beholder to Generate a Character Description

with Physical Appearance

and details on Attire and mood

— 👁️💭 Drystan Furor, Dungeon Master

Character Summary Memory
Race Class Firstname Lastname Nickname Age Gender Description

How to: create a Character?

You can click on the NPC Generator Image icon of a beholder to have it dream up a character, it is written as text.

Each time you click the beholder it will generate a new textual character. It can remember the previously generated character, scroll down to see it there. Everytime you generate a new character the previous one is remembered once this way. After that all is forgotten.

There is a limited memory function. While on this page a couple of rng characters can be remembered. If you refresh or leave this page the memory is cleaned. This makes it possible to quickly generate a couple of characters, but it is up to the user to save the text.

There is a button. After clicking it, you can paste the text anywhere you want, for example a note-taking app or notepad.

If available, you will see a stock image of the DnD race that was randomized selected.

In the section "Customize generated character" you have the option to set a few parameters for the generator.

How to: customize prompt?

After setting these you can click on the NPC Generator icon of a beholder to have it dream up a character with the chosen properties. Or leave them empty and the generator will apply these things based on lore.

Set a firstname, lastname or nickname if you wish to see that back in most descriptions. Homebrew Race will overwrite all existing races and generate a totally random outcome named after this value, however you can either choose no race, one race or many races OR homebew a race-name. You cant have both. If the Homebrew Race field holds a value it will be used, leave it empty if you want to choose out of the list of existing ans supported races.

Certain generated results don't include a nickname or firstname or both, it depends on the race that is generated, if available information provided that a certain race does not use one of the above, then it is omitted in the generated result.

Chose any or more race(s) in the list to narrow down generated results, if left blank the result can be any race, if selected it will be the selected race and when multiple are selected the generator will randomly chose one out of your selection. Your selection here limits result possibilities of the generator.

This is useful for when you want to narrow down encounters if your setting focusses heavier on certain races, for example a Human/Dwarf occupied city. Select both Human and Dwarf and you will get randomly one of these two.